
Writings From My Heart to Yours  

The Spirit of Christmas

Dec 21, 2022 by Bonnie R Sargent

The Spirit of Christmas


Into a crisp December night,

 I walked all alone and sad.

The spirit of Christmas wouldn’t come.

and it made me feel so bad.


The Christmas tree held no magic,

The candy canes were not sweet.

Rudolph’s nose refused to shine,

and I felt such utter defeat.


I didn’t understand just why

I couldn’t get the Christmas feeling.

The refrigerator had festive food,

and presents nearly reached the ceiling.


The house was lined with shining lights,

while carols filled the air.

Everything seemed to be ready,

but Christmas just wasn’t there.


Family and friends from miles around

gathered for Christmas cheer.

We waited expectantly for Santa Claus,

and his eight tiny reindeer.


The Yule log burned and crackled.

Children were coaxed into bed.

Everyone else was feeling fine,

but I could feel only dread.


One tiny child toddled into the room,

and said, “You forgot my story.”

“Which one do you want?” I asked her,

expecting the Princess Glory.


“You know the one with the baby,

that gets to be borned in a stable.”

Then she hefted the Bible,

overhead and onto the table.


Christmas spirit came flooding in,

as I picked up the book to read.

Tears flooded my eyes and I knew,

that Christmas was here indeed.